Texas Superstar Plants
To be designated a Texas SuperStar, a plant must be beautiful and perform well for consumers and growers throughout the state. Superstars must be easy to propagate, which should ensure the plants are not only widely available throughout Texas but also reasonably priced.
Plants are chosen by a board made up of a variety of AgriLife Research, AgriLife Extension and Texas Tech University experts specializing in fields of horticulture, plant physiology and other disciplines.
Because of demanding plant trials, Texas Superstars are widely adapted across the state. They are rated by cold hardiness zone – the coldest places for which they are adapted. Some are labeled as being deer-resistant and many are also pollinator friendly. Superstar status has been given for annuals, perennials, woody shrubs including roses, trees, and some yummy edibles.
The Texas SuperStar program became a statewide program in 1989 with the name “Texas Superstar” coined in 1989. Texas Superstar is a registered trademark owned by AgriLife Research, a state agency that is part of the Texas A&M University System. A list of wholesalers and retailers who stock Texas Superstar plants and labels is also available online.
Note: The Texas Superstar 2020 Guide is available online and at local AgriLife Extension offices around the state. The brochure lists all Texas Superstar plants, USDA Hardiness Zones, an explanation of symbols that apply to water use/deer resistant plants/attractiveness to pollinators, and additional contact information.
For more information about Texas SuperStar plants, visit the Texas SuperStar page.
The table below shows a list of Texas SuperStar plants.
Common Name | Botanical Name | Texas Superstar - SS | Photo |
Mexican Bush sage | Salvia leucantha | SS | |
Pride of Barbados | Caesalpinia pulcherrima | SS | |
Caldwell Pink Rose | Rosa 'Caldwell Pink' | ||
Texas Bluebonnet | Lupinus texensis | SS | |
Firebush | Hamelia patens | SS | |
Grandma's Yellow Rose | Rosa ‘Nacogdoches’ | SS | |
Thyrallis (Shower of Gold) | Galphimia glauca | SS | |
Cape Plumbago | Plumbago auriculata | SS | |
Texas Gold Columbine | Aquilegia chrysantha var. hinckleyana ‘Texas Gold' | SS | |
Trailing Lantana | Lantana montevidensis | SS | |
New Gold Lantana | Lantana ‘New Gold’ | SS | |
Mystic Spires Blue Salvia | Salvia longispicata x farinacea ‘Mystic Spires Blue’ | SS | |
Henry Duelberg Salvia | Salvia farinacea 'Henry Duelberg' | SS | |
Moy Grande Hibiscus | Hibiscus x 'Moy Grande' | SS | |
John Fanick Perennial Phlox | Phlox paniculata ‘John Fanick’ | SS | |
Allyson' Mexican Heather | Cuphea hyssopifolia 'Allyson' | SS | |
Belinda's Dream Rose | Rosa ‘Belinda's Dream' | SS | |
Angelonia, Summer Snapdragon | Angelonia angustifolia (Serena Series) | SS | |
Globe Amaranth | Gomphrena globosa | SS | |
Turk's Cap | Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii | SS | |
Lynn's Legacy Cenizo | Leucophyllum langmaniae 'Lynn's Legacy' | SS | |
Barbecue Skewers Rosemary | Rosemarinus officinalis or Salvia rosmarinus ‘Gorizia’ | SS | |
Rock Rose | Pavonia lasiopetala | SS | |
Banana Shrub | Michelia figo | ||
Woodland Painted Petals | Anomatheca laxa | ||
Fragrant Mist Flower | Eupatorium havanensis | ||
Hamabo Hisbiscus | Hibiscus tiliaceus var. hamabo | ||
Cramoisi Superieur Rose | Rosa 'Cramoisi Superieur' | ||
Yellow Butterfly Vine | Callaeum macropterum | SS | |
Black Stockings Napier Grass | Pennisetum x 'Black Stockings' | SS | |
Natchitoches Noisette Rose | Rosa 'Natchitoches Noisette' | ||
Blue Daze | Evolvulus glomeratus | SS | |
Crinum Lily | Crinum bulbispermum | ||
Apricot Drift Rose | Rosa 'Meimirrote' | ||
Althea Rose of Sharon | Hibiscus syriacus | ||
Old Blush Rose | Rosa 'Old Blush' | ||
Lindheimer's Muhly Grass | Muhlenbergia lindheimeri | SS | |
Becky's Shasta Daisy | Leucanthemum x superbum 'Becky' | ||
Baby's Breath' Euphorbios | Euphorbia hypericifolia | SS | |
Gold Star Esperanza | Tecoma stans ‘Gold Star’ | SS | |
Hot Lips' Salvia | Salvia microphylla 'Hot Lips' | ||
Duranta (Brazilian Sky Flower) | Duranta erecta | SS | |
Little Ruby Alternanthera | Alternanthera 'Little Ruby' | SS | |
Whopper Begonias | Begonia x semperflorens-cultorum | SS | |
Purslane | Portulaca oleracea, P. umbraticola or hybrids | SS | |
Oriental Poppy | Papaver orientale | ||
Angelonia, Summer Snapdragon | Angelonia angustifolia | SS | |
Queen Emma Crinum | Crinum procerum 'Queen Emma' | ||
Jumbo Burgundy Crinum | Crinum 'Jumbo Crinum' | ||
Blue Angel Shrub Althea | Hibiscus syriacus 'Greba' | SS | |
Oxblood Lily or Schoolhouse Lily | Rhodophiala bifida | ||
Pentas | Pentas lanceolata | SS | |
Flare Rose Mallow Hibiscus | Hibiscus sp. ‘Flare’ | SS |